May 12, 2016

Recipe: Grass-Fed Beef Stuffed Yams


Local unsprayed veggies are in abundance this time of year, making a weekly trip to the local farms a must! With so many veggies available, this dish incorporated lots of them along with a local grass-fed beef and grass-fed cheese!

The broccoli and cabbage were steamed up, and here is the recipe for the stuffed yams:

4 Yams (or however many you would like)
1lb grass fed beef (we used our Terra Nossa grass fed beef from Windhorse Farms in Cobble Hill)
4 large slices of grass fed cheese (we used our grass fed aged cheddar from Golden Ears Cheesecrafters)
2 small onions or leeks
1 tsp-taste Himalayan Crystal Salt

– Bake the yams on a tray at 375 for 30 mins or until soft.
– While yams are baking, fry up the ground beef and onions together until beef is cooked.
– Mix in salt and any other spices you would like.
– After yam is baked, make a slit across the top and scoop out most of the cooked yam.
– Put the beef and onion mixture inside, place a piece of cheese on top and put back in the oven until cheese is melted.
– Enjoy!