Our Upcoming Events

Conquering Cortisol & Improving Immune Function with Jason Watkin

Monday, October 7th @ 6:30pm

We are hosting Jason Watkin, CEO of PURICA, for a talk about how to optimize health through managing stress and building resilience from within. Working towards spending more time in a parasympathetic, or non-stressed state is the first step towards helping the health of your body and mind improve. In this lecture you will also learn how not only immune function, but all other functions in your body, improve when you get cortisol and other stress hormones under control.
About the Speaker:
Jason Watkin is the CEO, co-founder and Chief Formulator for Purica. He is a passionate speaker, trained in pathophysiology, pharmacology, nutrition, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has also completed formal studies in meditation and yoga in the Indo-Tibetan Tradition. His intent is to share modern and ancient wisdom to get at the root of what makes us unwell, and how to recover wellbeing
Register on eventbrite HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/conquering-cortisol-improving-immune-function-with-jason-watkin-tickets-1001798445117