Dec 5, 2015

Countdown to Christmas: 20 Days, Routine Deodorant


20 Days until Christmas! On the countdown today we have our Routine natural deodorant!

Routine was created by two sisters, Neige and Pippa in Calgary Alberta. It contains only clean and wholesome ingredients and is ethically crafted with the health of the planet as priority.

The bases of these awesome formulas are clay and beeswax! The clay naturally absorbs sweat and the beeswax acts as a stabilizer and helps it last all day. The consistency is so creamy and there are a lot of great scents to choose from!

Each jar last 3-6 months with regular use, and they are always tested on friends, never animals.

Come give them a smell and see which one you like best! Would be a great practical gift and/or stocking stuffer.