Feb 5, 2016

Happy Heart Month: Baked Salmon Recipe


February is Heart Month!! Hearth health is important more than ever these days, and we love things that help support it! Salmon (wild, not farmed) is one of the best foods for your heart thanks to it’s large omega-3 fatty acid content! Here is a great simple heart-healthy salmon recipe to nourish you and warm up your winter.

Ingredients: (serves 2)

– 2 Salmon Fillets

– 4 Tbsp MCT Oil

– 2 minced cloves of garlic

– 1/2 of a lemon

– Your favourte herbs (dill, parsley, basil, ect)

– Sea salt or Himalayan salt to taste


– Preheat oven to 350.

– Place parchment paper in a baking pan or on a baking sheet.

– Place fillets on paper and drizzle with mct oil, sprinkle on herbs, garlic, and salt, and cut up lemon in slices and place on top of fillets.

– Wrap parchment paper around fillets so they are covered and bake for around 15 mins or until fillets flake easily with a fork.

– Enjoy!!