Aug 28, 2016

Greens+ Extra Energy – The Staff Scoop.



Have you ever tried Genuine Health’s Greens+ Extra Energy? Well we did, and WE LOVED IT!

Greens+ Original formula and History:

Greens+ is a nutrient-rich greens formula that was created by Psychologist, Sam Graci in 1989 to help treat behavioural problems in adolescents.  Sam worked closely with problematic teens and noticed that a profound difference in behaviour occurred upon dietary adjustments.  The original formula was made to be a dietary supplement that would help cover a lot of the bases that are missing in the majority of people’s diets.  It is an amazing source of over 23 phytonutrients sourced from many nutritious vegetables and fruits.  Greens+ has proven again, and again to be a fantastic nourishing super food blend that is alkaline-enhancing, & digestion-improving.

Greens+ Extra Energy:

The same amazing Greens+ Formula, but with an added natural caffeine kick to help boost your energy and increase your mood throughout the day.  Greens+ has been Canada’s favourite green food supplement for over 20 years, bringing improved health, energy, and vitality into our lives. The extra energy version gives a boost of balanced and sustained energy! It contains energizing natural ingredients including taurine and naturally-occurring caffeine from the kola nut.

One serving daily provides:

  • Nutrient-rich Greens+ including an entire range of powerful nutrients from fruits, veggies, superfoods, sea vegetables, and standardized herbs, delivering all of the nutritional goodness these potent foods offer.
  • Long-lasting natural energy with no over-stimulation or energy “crash” side effects.
  • Increased mental clarity and vitality.
  • Sugar-free alternative to energy drinks and coffee.


Kola Nut:
The Kola Nut is what the original “Cola” was made with as it has amazing energy increasing qualities, and it tastes great! Traditionally the kola nut was not consumed in sugar-filled, synthetic sodas that are void of any beneficial properties… but rather it was eaten for its “mind-clearing” benefits.  The kola nut has some amazing focus & energy increasing qualities.  Not only is it a natural stimulant, but it also has been known to increase cerebral blood flow, improving cognition! The kola nut can increase oxygen levels in the blood, further increasing energy throughout your mind & body!

Greens+ Extra Energy comes in two delicious flavours, to suit your preference. One is a delicious, tangy, and very popular Orange flavour.  The other is a fantastic, creamy, & energizing Cappuccino flavour.  They’re both really great, and are sweetened with stevia so they can be enjoyed guilt-free any time of day with no energy crashes! 🙂

We tried this amazing formula for a month and this is what we thought:


“I absolutely LOVE Greens+ Extra Energy! I drink it everyday at work in the afternoon for a refreshing energy boost. It tastes the best out of any greens I’ve had and mixes super smoothly. I love the way it makes me feel!”
– Catherine


“Greens+ Extra Energy (particularly the Cappuccino flavour… YUM) is literally the only reason I can wake up in the morning. I roll out of bed, sleepy-eyed, before saying good morning to anybody, mix up my Extra Energy shake, thoroughly enjoy it…. and then I’m ready to take on the day. I love how happy and energized Extra Energy makes me feel.  It is a must have each morning, and I even sometimes will have a second midday for a pick-me-up. 🙂  I tested my alkalinity after using Greens+ Extra Energy for a month and it truly does help keep my pH slightly alkaline!”
– Kelly


“Greens extra energy is my absolute favourite way to get a burst of energy without a crash.  Essential for keeping up with a two year old ????! I love a green drink in the afternoon especially if I haven’t eaten enough veggies that day. ”
– Tiffany

“Greens+ Extra Energy is great! I usually drink it as a mid afternoon pick-me-up during the work day. I feel so good when I drink it :)!”
– John

img_9590“I LOVE Greens+ Extra Energy. I tried the cappuccino flavour, I wouldn’t say it’s a true cappuccino flavour but more a cocoa coffee flavour profile (it was delicious!).  It’s the perfect thing to start my day with and was nice to have something that wasn’t fruity in the morning. It was delicious blended in with chocolate protein and almond butter, but I mostly had it solo with water and maca powder.  The thing I enjoyed most about it was the mental alertness it gave me and the extra boost of greens, cause who doesn’t want more greens right 🙂 ! #obsessed ”
– Lynn

Ty's Morning Ritual-
“Greens+ Extra Energy Cappuccino is my favourite thing to drink in the mornings during my sauna session.  It is a quick, easy, and delicious way to get an extra dose of greens in.  Greens+ Extra Energy makes me feel great, and helps me with multitasking during the day.  The natural caffeine, bee pollen, and taurine also provide a long-lasting energy supply with no crash!”


“I have a  Greens+ Extra Energy Orange shake every morning!  The orange flavour is my favourite. It’s definitely the best tasting greens I have ever tried. I love taking it with me on camping and hiking trips because it’s light and easy to pack and I’ll occasionally have it mid-afternoon for some extra energy (no pun intended 😉 ).  I’ve never had anything that wakes my brain up like extra energy does anytime I have it!”
– Brady

Have you tried Greens+ Extra Energy before?  Do you love it as much as we do? What time of day do you find it works best for you 🙂 ?  Let us know! We love receiving feedback on our products!