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Seeking Health-Minded People
If this sounds like you, you may be the perfect fit for our team:
- Loves learning about health
- Passionately shares your favorite health tips with friends and family
- Thrives on learning outside-of-the-box health information
- Is warm and welcoming
- Enjoys working with local businesses on a small, tight-knit team
- Likes variety in your workplace and enjoys being busy
- Appreciates stand-up desks and a movement-rich environment
No experience is necessary – just a zest for learning and growth. Show us your passion for health, and we would be thrilled to train and educate you.

Who We Are
We seek to inspire people in their health and wellness journeys through transparency, honesty, sustainable and ethical partnerships, and inclusion.
Local, family-owned business
Our team is passionate about bringing health-minded people together to share resources and a lifestyle that allows them to thrive.
We carry products that we love
Quality supplements, local grass-fed meats, sustainable apparel, barefoot shoes, natural body care, and traditional foods.
We lead through innovation
We keep current on all of the cutting-edge research in natural health. We strive for optimal health in our lives, and to help others!
We’re seeking people like you
If you’re interested in an exciting career in natural health and wellness, please come by and bring your resume in person.